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 Durban Poison weed Shatter is the perfect sh att er to help you stay produc ti ve thr ou gh a busy day. Buy Durban Poison Sha tt er to help in the following, Stress, D e pre ss ion, Pain, Fatigue, H ead aches, etc. The high is very multi-dimensional and pleasant for most daytime acti vi ties, as well as night. This makes it an impressive medicine to always have on hand – no matter the cond iti on or medical ailment you’re trying to treat. Due to its pure sativa genetic composition, the effects of Durban Poison are pr oba bly unlike any you have experienced – unless of course, you are well- ver sed in trying out strains within the pure African sativa family. The high is clean and energizing, and will not in any way leave your body feeling stoney or tired. This is what partially makes Durban Poison a great any-time-of-day marijuana. It won’t distract your mind or cause you to lose focus, but rather keep you motivated and free from stress. B u y  ma ri ju a na   wax o ...